I wish I could stay up all night … drawing, spilling semen, listening to music … tumblers of whisky, pastels, wife … art, romance, indulgence … goddamnit it if I don’t hate bedtime.
There are a handful of nights every month that I experience what you describe. Those nights usually start with a bottle of scotch leaving the shelf and taking up a more proximal position by my laptop on the kitchen table. Music is louder and I feel manic with the power to create.
This blog is open to whims and truths, all real, even if they are concocted. If you post a comment, please do so with abandon. ~ All drawings are mine, unless stated. Click on the images to see them larger.
There are a handful of nights every month that I experience what you describe. Those nights usually start with a bottle of scotch leaving the shelf and taking up a more proximal position by my laptop on the kitchen table. Music is louder and I feel manic with the power to create.
You and me should start a rock'n'roll band ... or perhaps an upheaval.
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