Monday, July 05, 2010
Much ado about nothing

Friday, July 02, 2010
Bring it on

Monday, June 28, 2010
Where to begin

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Black Sunday

This is out 1st floor bathroom … it doesn’t have a floor at the moment.
One of the first albums I bought was “The Last In Line” by Dio. It’s not really something I would normally play out loud these days, but because he just died I downloaded a copy to listen by myself. It’s been about 23 years since I heard it last, but I still remember every little nuance. I loved those days when you cherished every record you owned … back when music wasn’t disposable.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Get it together
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I don't get it, but it kind of excites me ...
"In modular arithmetic, a branch of number theory, a primitive root modulo n is any number g with the property that any number coprime to n is congruent to a power of g (mod n). That is, if g is a primitive root (mod n), then for every integer a that has gcd(a, n) = 1, there is an integer k such that gk ≡ a (mod n). k is called the index of a. That is, g is a generator of the multiplicative group of integers modulo n."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The house stripped bare

Monday, April 05, 2010
Out damned spot

Baby arrives tomorrow. I’ve bleached down the bathroom and kitchen … sterilized them. I haven’t fixed much yet … just breaking things down … opening walls. My crown achievement has been replacing the front door handle. I feel like I’m in a race somehow to take over this house … and if I’m too slow the previous tenants will overtake the house again. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s how it feels. There is a refrigerator downstairs that is still full of food … its amazing … I want to take a photo of it but it’s too dark. There are glass containers where the metal top has disintegrated. You can’t smell it unless you open the door, and when you do its pretty rank. I emptied a closet yesterday … an old trunk full of belts, blankets, Pepto-Bismol and things. I started putting my foot out the door just in case some ghost force shut the door on me and trapped me in the closet.
Sunday, April 04, 2010

I met our neighbor today. I’d been a little concerned by him … the last time I saw him … and I’m sure about this … he was wearing some kind of kitchen pot on his head like a hat. He’s either a brilliant eccentric, or he’s been on the wrong medication so long the damage is irreversible. While we chatted he was perfectly lucid and personable … a creative genius perhaps … he just might be my kind of guy. He mentioned I have to do something about the yard … he’s right.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
No rest for the wretched

I had an idea to record the progress of our work here, but I’d forgotten how tiring physical work is. Baby arrives in 4 days … I’m trying to prepare her … telling her to imagine the worst case scenario. This is addictive … a project … a long-term project. My body feels great though … I walk down the street, all dusty and taught, like I could kill anyone. What hurts most, interestingly, are my forearms and hands.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
To Winthrop Street

It’s kind of a mess. I arrived in NY a few days ago thinking I needed to do some painting and maybe strip a little paint and do the floors. Since then I’ve discovered we need to replace all the plumbing, tear out the 2nd floor ceiling, buy a new boiler, put in 3 new bathrooms and 3 new kitchens and replace all the windows plus the various small pieces like fix the skylight, dig out the garden, etc. I knew some of this was coming, but I’m a little overwhelmed as we can’t afford all of this and we need to rent the place out immediately to pay back our loan.
To be honest, I am enjoying the panic, and will try to make the most of it.
The house has been empty a while. I’m not sure how long. Even though it was supposed to be delivered empty, there are still loads of items scattered around to give clues to the last inhabitants. I am assuming the last owner died, as we bought it as an ‘estate’. Evidence is also clear from the cupboards, which indicate the person here didn’t plan to leave, most noticeably the 2 unopened bottled of mustard in the downstairs cupboard (and an amazing supply of Tic-Tacs).
I have found 3 pornographic magazines – 2 Playboys from 1981, and one Hustler from 1976

So far we only have electricity in a few rooms on the 2nd floor. I worried I may find it creepy living alone in the entire building with almost no electricity where, presumably, somebody died; but fortunately I am too distracted by the unceasing cold to spare time to flights of fancy. As daylight is king I wake up at dawn, finish house-work around 5pm and do job-work till around 10pm, then sleep. On the first night I slept in the room on the 2nd floor near the street lights as it was the least scary room, but now I have moved to a more central room with no electricity because it’s warmer. All the physical work, the cold, and the hunger have made me more aggressive than normal, so I haven’t really been bothered by the spooky things yet.

I thought a decent sleeping bag would be good enough, but the problem is the cold floor, it seeps through and drains your heat. I solved this by laying garbage bags on the floor, covered with newspaper, then a yoga mat and a down comforter. Wearing lots of clothes, a thermal hat and covering the sleeping bag with my down jacket helps.
Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Just when you thought it was safe to go to church again …

When I was young I had a list of goals which I thought would enable me to gain unassailable power. These included taking over a bank by force, building a solid gold statue of myself, and writing a new testament to the bible. Though I’ve never been sexually abused as a child (as far as I can remember) there was always an innate understanding that those who held a high position in the religious ranks were more powerful than even celebrities and politicians. I never imagined the desire to hold on to power could drive men to muffle so much suffering, to such an extensive rate, for such a long time, so successfully.
As usual, by the time I figure it out it’s too late. I could have joined the club and enslaved half of Eastern Europe by now with complete anonymity. I could have amassed a whole army, developed weapons of mass destruction, built a whole empire, and the worst that would have happened would be that the pope would tell me I couldn’t attend confession anymore.
I should maybe go to Italy and make friends with the pope … I’d be able to get away with murder then. But surely by now it’s too late and the church can’t be allowed so much authority … that’s obvious, right?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Weak in the presence of beauty

Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday, March 08, 2010
All action, no talk

Thursday, March 04, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
You want art? We got art (motherfucker).

Personally, all I remember is a pile of dogshit, apart from one piece that maybe I will never forget by Dawn Clements. There were one or two other okay pieces, but I can’t remember them and I won’t expend the energy to drag them out of the memory I have of that miserable experience I had walking around the show.
In summary, it was like wandering through a used CD store … 50 minutes of complete rubbish … with one moment of extreme joy … which encourages you to search through the rest of the trash on offer, only to leave in utter disappointment, but with one gem in your pocket, which made the trip worthwhile.
I don’t blame the second-hand CD stores, they’re just trying to make a buck, but you’d think the Whitney could at least put a little effort into it.