Sunday, August 17, 2008


I saw a man on the street today playing electric guitar. He was wasted away, all muscle and bone, almost elderly, with a rock’n’roll hairstyle, singing Cantonese pop from the 60’s. His speakers were rigged to his bicycle, and he had a kind of shrine surrounding him of news articles and photos and a fluffy white pet resting on a stool with a sign in English and Chinese warning you not to touch the dog or it’ll bite.
Turns out it was Danny Hui, old rising star who was torn from fame by heroin abuse, now alive again and performing on a Mong Kok street, half circus act, half giant.
I gave him $10 then the rest of the crowd started dropping money into the various hats and buckets around him. It’s crowd mentality – very hard to be the first one when everyone is watching.

I can’t imagine the balls this man must have. It sounded great, amid all the empty noise and clutter on the street. Imagine, amid all those people … a human.


Extra Gravy said...

The picture today struck me, reflecting a complex emotional state that I often feel but find difficult to express. This picture expresses it wonderfully.

domboy said...

Thank you kindly. I did spend a long time looking at this after I finished it. I am starting to look at the pictures as something like an illustrated diary.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!