Sunday, June 14, 2009

Random screen shot – Ryan Adams

This may not mean a lot to you, but I know exactly what I’m doing.


The Outlaw Josey Wales said...

What's in the bottle to the left (and glass to the right)?

domboy said...

Let's see ... the bottle on the left is paint thinner (if you buy this in hardware stores in HK they use old beer bottles) ... the glass on the near right is water (for drawing with) ... the far right is scotch and water. I'm really starting to love the immediacy of spray paint.

The Outlaw Josey Wales said...

Wow. I didn't even see the glass on the near right. I saw only the bottle and the far right. yeah, spray paint (or a spray gun) is nice. I watched a guy on tv paint a car. It would terrify me but his rythmic back and forth was great to watch.

Extra Gravy said...

Creative exercise and scotch!