Monday, March 03, 2008

Close, but no cucumber

Day 4 in Japan. We’ve been staying at Gwa’s house till now. Gwa is one of those people who are much cooler than me but still let me hang out with them. On one hand it’s great, but on the other hand it makes you feel like a dick when you’re obviously the less cool one. I’ve allowed my sycophancy to bloom to the point where I actually went to a shop with him and bought exactly the same shirt as he did.
Eye update: my sty has returned bigger and badder than ever – and this time it has sprouted something that looks not unlike a third eyeball. Tomorrow, I looking for a doctor … and a sunglasses shop.
This is me with a patch of shade that makes me look a little bit like I’m wearing clown make-up.


Anonymous said...

you are always a cucumber to me

Whiskeymarie said...

God, I hate the sty. They make me crazy.

Nice pic though.