Sunday, June 15, 2008


I ruined the picture I was drawing for Shannon tonight by pouring champagne all over it. It did turn out better in the end, although it was still not good enough to give to her.
This was the best lesson I received in college … we had a 3 hour painting class … at the beginning the teacher told us we would spend the entire class painting a landscape. Half way through the class he told us to stop and paint over what we had done. Everyone in the class cried and complained – after an hour and a half we’d gotten emotionally attached to our paintings and invested so much into them. Our teacher explained that today’s lesson was “destruction”, and we would never progress until we understood the value of re-viewing and re-creating; the value of destroying what we created.


Mariposa said...

how brilliantly excellent!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I remember that! Ugh, brutal, brilliant. Exercise in how not to be precious. And also being forced to start considering that if you did it once, you can do it again. Great exercise, thanks for the memory.

Did you at least get some of the champagne in your mouth?

Anonymous said...

I've always remembered what Anselm Kiefer did with his masturbation books in '93. My name has a link to an article about it from '98. You should do this with your next drawing.

domboy said...

Sure did! I'm a sucker for the sparkly stuff.

I think I've spilled semen everywhere; there's bound to be some on my pictures too.

Shannon Erin said...

It doesn't have to be perfect! But, hey, I spill champagne on pretty much everything I can.

Whiskeymarie said...

I'm about to deconstruct my house and I'm really, really excited. I like the chaos that ensues, then the eventual calm.