Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lucky Dube

I first saw Lucky Dube at Reggae Sunsplash in Bermuda. It had been one bland act after another, until this enormous group of musicians came onstage, and one solitary voice wailed the intro of “It’s Not Easy”. Not the 17 second intro you get on the album, but something like a 2 minute beautiful, violent profession. Imagine, the whole field of us, in our thousands, stopped in our tracks, mesmerized, by one voice.
I feel very sad Lucky Dube has been killed, that his voice cannot continue, that he's been robbed of enjoying the effects of his enormous influence, that such a source of wisdom and peace has been stopped by a gunshot.
I'm not a spiritual man, but the world somehow feels very quiet right now, like right when the tide starts silently pulling back, only to build a wave.

1 comment:

Mariposa said...

gorgeous. simply gorgeous.