Sunday, November 04, 2007

Shopping spree

I went out to buy a present for my friend’s birthday tomorrow. I had in mind a garbage can for some reason, but I thought this may be a useless present as he probably doesn’t need one, so I looked around for something to buy. While looking, I bought myself 8 sticks of charcoal, one charcoal rubber, a pirate copy of Adobe CS3 (Designer edition), ordered pirate copies of Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires and Samurai Warriors 2 Empires for PS2, a kind of soap bar for cleaning stains off clothes, 2 short-sleeved, white undershirts, 2 white vests, one white and one black long-sleeved shirt, 2 washable V-neck sweaters (one black, one grey), one pair of trousers, one button-up shirt, one sponge with handle (for cleaning the toilet cistern - the water’s always dirty and it builds up in the cistern, they’re doing some kind of work on the pipes I think), French chocolate (with orange peel), pesto salad, grilled salmon, and, most exciting of all, overpriced ear swabs (my good wife and I have been stuck with cheap ear swabs for years, that come in packs of 5 million, and they’re finally all gone. I got Johnson’s last time, and they’re great, but this time I upped the anti and bought black ear swabs with beveled cotton, yes, beveled, black cotton).
At the end of my shopping frenzy I chanced to see a really nice garbage can, which I bought for my friend.


Mariposa said...

you are so the greatest. was this a sober shopping spree? and really, who can't use an extra garbage can? brilliant.

domboy said...

Stone, cold sober. I had a friend who used to buy ridiculous things on the way home from bars. It was an odd exercise, I thought it was brilliant.

Whiskeymarie said...

I could use a few new garbage cans- I think it's a perfectly fine gift.

And holy cow, what a shopping spree! How did you carry it all?

domboy said...

I was struggling with bags while trying to pay for the salmon. Next time I will bring my houseboy to carry the bags for me.