Saturday, November 03, 2007

I am becoming sensible (somebody shoot me)

I have a brand new neighbour, a Chinese doctor, so I have been seeing him about my sty. My liver has too much fire, and my kidneys have too much water, and he is curing me. I essentially need to sleep proper hours, stop drinking alcohol, eat well, and take Chinese medicine every day. It is a slow process of repairing all the damage, but I feel great already. Apart from last weekend I haven’t drunk in 2 weeks. Boy, I can’t wait till I’m all cleaned up.


Extra Gravy said...

2 weeks... ouch. the price of health is too high.

I'm waiting for designer medications tailored to my genetic disposition and infused in my wine.

domboy said...

I alwyas have a nagging thought in the back of my head: "Yes, but what about Keith Richards?"