I made the first contact with the little boy who lives on my floor today. We were in the elevator and he whistled a few notes, and I whistled a few to conclude our made-up song. He thought this was great. I’m pleased. I’ve always been curious about him, but he’s so odd I usually think it better to ignore him. I call his family “The Poors” because they don’t have running water and use the public toilets to wash. This is cruel and amuses me, but I think it’s okay as I too didn’t have running water for the first 7 months I lived here. Anyway, this little boy spends hours entertaining himself in the corridor – singing songs and playing odd games with himself that usually involve repeating some action at some specified pace. I once saw him on the street waving some imaginary specter towards him, and then dashing behind the building. There was one woman walking in front of me and she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t get she wasn’t part of the event. I’m convinced if he grows up without being completely crushed by his peers he will turn out to be a creative genius. I can’t tell how old he is, I’d guess something between 6 and 10, I’m not very good with children’s ages. He has an older sister who’s beautiful and elegant and poised.
It was a rotten day, hard disc broken, weeks of work lost. I felt physically sick when they told me. Carton of whisky sure looked good. 3 weeks of sobriety still left. I did the only thing I could do: put on Billy Idol’s “Devil’s Playground” and drew.
i really enjoyed this. i love that you connected by whistling with him. my oldest is like this boy. it could go either way. some of these amazing people are just aware enough of the world around them that it squelches their brilliance. others are completely oblivious to the rest of us and they are the ones that change the world. my every effort goes into keeping the one entrusted to me blissfully ignorant.
LOOOOVE this drawing! and billy idol is always better than whiskey. ;)
After suffering a whiskey-induced hangover this weekend, I can say without a trace of doubt that you made the correct choice.
I love the games kids invent when left to their own devices.
Amazing drawing, Dom! Art is your friend. Whiskey is not. When are you coming to visit?
PS. Really sorry about your hard disc :(
Awesome drawing. You definitely made the right choice. Sorry about your hard disk. I hear you have moved away from a mac to MS - can this be true?!
Thanks Mari, I'm guessing your sons already have a head-start with you round. It's always hard to be unusual though. I suggest boxing lessons and making sure there are lots of chicks around him, people respect this, and he'll be left alone to do things his way (please don't listen to ANYTHING I say).
Whiskey, I pity the fool ... (but I'll join you, in spirit, in about 3 weeks)
Anarchy, Nov 27. Let's go dancing, it'll be just like old times.
Rusty, I still have my Mac, it's a really good stereo.
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