I really want to keep sheer reality at a comfortable distance from this blog, but I have a problem I can’t figure out and I’m going to ask you, virtual pals, if anyone can advise me. It’s about setting up a fixed IP address. I have a server and I want to access this while overseas, and give clients FTP access. My internet provider is just too expensive to justify signing up for a fixed IP address, so I have tried using NoIP.com, and directing my noIP.com address to the server’s FTP address (the server, by the way, is connected to a router which is the gateway to the server and various computers). Inside my office I can access the server via the NoIP.com address, but people outside can either not see it, or not login.
I’ve been trying for over 2 months to figure this out, and I just can’t get it together.
I’ll pay you, any of you, anything you ask (be reasonable, this is reality, remember), if you can help me understand and resolve this.
To balance that unpleasant slice of reality, I’d like to tell you about my dream.
I was traveling and was waylaid in Iran. While we packed the Jeep and arranged documents, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to see how we were doing and joined us for tea. I’ve long been a fan of Mr Ahmadinejad (until he made that odd comment about there being no gays in Iran), and this made me feel a tad misunderstood when he behaved the way he did to me. During tea he was pontificating on things in general, as he does, which is fine; but then he added lots of sugar to his tea, and explained it was because Muhammad (peace be unto Him) had suggested he dose his tea with sugar to counterbalance the corruption that had infested my soul. President Ahmadinejad wasn’t entirely hostile though, explaining that it was because I showed promise that he deigned to take this action (regular infidels would just be disregarded without sympathy). I was kind of flattered, yet, really, President Ahmadinejad, I’ve championed you before, so I wish you would think of me as less foreign than you do. Or am I fooling myself? Really, is it so bad to be soulless, corrupt, self-absorbed, with a history of bursts of violence? It’s the human in me.