Tuesday, August 07, 2007

God is from Belgium

I listened to Plastic Bertrand’s “Ca Plane Pour Moi” on repeat while drawing this. It just might be the perfect song. Not much surprises me, but I’m still surprised I lived my long and absurd life for 35 years without ever hearing this perfect song. What if I’d died 10 months ago, never having heard this, forever thinking Elton Mortello wrote the original (“He gave me head…”)? Imagine, slipping into nothingness never having heard this ridiculous 80’s Belgian pop/punk masterpiece. Playing it on constant repeat is no longer enough, I am now listening to it unsynchronized on both my headphones and my stereo. Oh god it’s beautiful. Oh god, have I just discovered God? Oh God, you’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.


Quink said...

God is about 1/8th Belgian, rather like me. Apart from that he's somewhat Celtic and rather English.

domboy said...

Are you shaping god after yourself? Who do you think you are ... me?

Quink said...

This could get confusing. Very confusing. Lets become Dualists.

domboy said...

Okay, pistols at dawn. We'll meet in front of the Royal Palace in Brussels, don't forget your second.
Oh, Dualists, I get it. Okay, you start on the universal laws for mankind, i'll come up with a logo.