Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's alright, ma

August 25th, yesterday, was my Mum’s birthday. Apologies for 30-or-so years of selfish, arrogant, ungratefulness. I hope, somehow, all the beautiful things I’ve seen in you over the years have become part of me in some abstract way.


Anonymous said...

Aw, happy bday Dom's ma! Did you write her a card saying that last sentence? It's really sweet.


domboy said...

I'm trying to convey it in the wedding speech. It's hard, when your established relationship is one of polite distance, to speak from your heart and sound genuine.

Whiskeymarie said...

It's great when we start seeing our parents as people like us, and not so much as the enemy.

domboy said...

If they're not enemies, they're idols. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

I think speaking from your heart is always the way to go. Your speech will be great.
