Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Let's get low!

Melatonin. It's amazing. If I do 2 overnights in a row it becomes impossible for me to rebalance my schedule, because your body just desperately needs sleep, so you take it at the first possible chance, and from then on your routine is fucked. I never really believed it could work, but, good goddamn. 20 minutes after taking it I was getting drowsy, after 40 minutes I was cranky and had no patience for my computer which was stalling. Within an hour I couldn't stay awake another minute. This has got to be illegal. Since then I've felt calm, subdued. I like it. Now I just need another pill to make me wide awake, and it'll be just like I'm not taking pills at all.


Anonymous said...

Mellow-tonin. We sell this at the clinic. I actually get hangovers from the stuff although I take it when in dire need. It IS hard to believe it's legal. How many mg are you taking? If you want to try the pill of the century, skip the melatonin and try 5HTP. It boosts serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter), helps sleep, improves mood. But don't say I told you.

Mickey Loots

PS. There's plenty of space for you and the good wife to crash for as long as you want here at my Brooklyn pad

Whiskeymarie said...

I had to wean myself off that stuff. It was starting to really mess up my sleep cycles.
Now I just take a muscle relaxer with some wine.
That's better, right?

domboy said...

My goodness, there's a whole world out there to discover. Do you have anything to charge you up? I'm thinking a kind of cocaine / steroids cocktail?