Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bite me

I drew this in charcoal, then I drank more, then I added spray paint, then I drank more, then I added acrylic, then I drank more, then I added ink, then I drank more, etc etc. There’s nothing like impatience to add energy to a man’s input. This is a mess, but it has poetry. I’m suddenly everything I ever wanted to be – independent, reckless, pointless and free. If you don’t like it, well, you know where I live. Bring it on.


Quink said...

You've painted the hangover before it happened.

domboy said...

Something like Dorian Gray. I woke up still drunk and now it's faded into a comfortable memory. Meanwhile, the picture suffers for my debauchery. Nice.

Quink said...

Ha ha. Stick it in your attic and go on another bender.