Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Come on, let’s go

There comes a time during drawing when you’ve added too many layers, and the only thing to do is spray spray paint on your fingers and draw with that.
So many things to write today, so little time. Today we did a photo shoot of an orchestra. I liked all the musicians with their instruments. We also had a stylist, so the studio smells like hairspray, which smells like girl, which turns me on.
I’m listening to Neikka RPM tonight, made up of friends from college, most notably Domgirl. I was called Dominic, she was called Dominique, when the phone rang no one could tell if it was for me or her. Hence I became Domboy. I liked it also because it sounded like “cowboy”.
Special mention to the tropical Blue Moon butterfly, which in just 5 years evolved a gene to suppress the Wolbachia bacteria that was wiping out the males of the species in the South Pacific. Lazy humans take note. Isn’t it about time we evolved? I don’t know why we needed some things in the first place, but I’m sure we no longer need to fart, or have stinky armpits, or bleed between our legs every month. Come on people, this is the 21st Century, let’s evolve.


Anonymous said...

Do you bleed between your legs every month now? Wow. YOU really have evolved. :)

Hi Domboy.

-- your old college roommate that isn't Domgirl. I just found you!

domboy said...

Hot diggity dog, it's you!
Hmmm, I've only bled between my legs a few times, I just wanted to lump us homo-sapiens together. Who knows though, maybe men will evolve and start making babies too. I'd kind of prefer it if they could just be downloaded or something.

Anonymous said...

Hot diggity, yesiree!

I'd gladly pass the task to you fellas. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to evolve though... :)



domboy said...

Yeah, typical woman comment; when everyone knows men are superior. I always thought, if it wasn't for fucking, men and women would be at war. I have to admit, though, it wouldn't be an easy battle. We men would need to become a little more scheming before we whipped the women's asses.