Sunday, July 15, 2007

The road to Texas

If I had to choose just one man to be, just one man that represents all the best qualities that I desire, I would choose Lyle Lovett. He is everything a man should be.

I have a Stetson. I bought it in Albuquerque while I was visiting my baby-doll in Santa Fe. I had fake snakeskin boots, blue jeans and a Stetson hat, and I felt like a real man. I stood up straight and, although I could take any man down, I was polite and charming. I belonged in that hat, in those boots, with that big sky stretched out above me and True Love Ways on the car stereo. I didn’t need any of you, I was complete.


Quink said...

I don't know who I'd like to be, but the only hat I have that fits me makes me look like a Lithuanian pimp when I wear it. I suspect that almost any hat, bar perhaps a beret, would have the same effect on me.

domboy said...

Human rights aside, did you ever think of going to Eastern Europe and whoring the men and women there? Perhaps it is a calling. If you do go, I highly recommend “Pimp: The Story of My Life” by Robert Beck (aka Iceberg Slim). It’ll teach you all about how to handle yourself and your bitches.

Quink said...

No, I didn't. I'm far too lazy for that sort of thing, though I'll read the book: you never know when that sort of knowledge will come in handy.