Thanks for all your concerned texts and messages re my hair (nil). I need to announce I have abandoned my quest to look like Tony Leung in “2046” (http://dominicharvey.blogspot.com/2007/07/wong-kar-wai-did-this-to-me.html). Just like when I tried to grow my hair like Johnny Depp … it turns out I don’t look anything like the idol in question - so I’m blonde again – back to the old, fake me I know and love. I needed to do this now so I’d match my pink wedding suit next week.
Tomorrow is a public holiday in Hong Kong, celebrating mid-autumn festival, and the next day I am flying to Osaka, so today was the last day I could receive my Ivory Paisley Spats ordered online at spatterdash.com and, sadly, they did not come (the delay was something to do with my credit card being overdrawn, whatthehell?). I feel like I have let down my great friend (I don’t actually know him) Quilty (not actually his name). Nevermind, I will receive them eventually, and I will change the world in them, in some strange, magnificent way, and Quilty will then be proud of me.
Also, I have tried on my new tailor-made suit and it matches my 2nd hand Stetson trilby perfectly (not to be confused with my Stetson "Gun Club" cowboy hat); but Kyoto is unseasonably hot at the moment, so it’s not really 'hat weather'. Goddamnsonofacunt. I also have my silk Chinese jacket and ridiculous Jimi Hendrix soldier jacket with gold tassels which I wanted to wear at the wedding. I’m pretty sure I will wear them all anyway. After all, you’re only alive, and a physical form in existence, once (I think), so you may as well flaunt it.
Tomorrow is a public holiday in Hong Kong, celebrating mid-autumn festival, and the next day I am flying to Osaka, so today was the last day I could receive my Ivory Paisley Spats ordered online at spatterdash.com and, sadly, they did not come (the delay was something to do with my credit card being overdrawn, whatthehell?). I feel like I have let down my great friend (I don’t actually know him) Quilty (not actually his name). Nevermind, I will receive them eventually, and I will change the world in them, in some strange, magnificent way, and Quilty will then be proud of me.
Also, I have tried on my new tailor-made suit and it matches my 2nd hand Stetson trilby perfectly (not to be confused with my Stetson "Gun Club" cowboy hat); but Kyoto is unseasonably hot at the moment, so it’s not really 'hat weather'. Goddamnsonofacunt. I also have my silk Chinese jacket and ridiculous Jimi Hendrix soldier jacket with gold tassels which I wanted to wear at the wedding. I’m pretty sure I will wear them all anyway. After all, you’re only alive, and a physical form in existence, once (I think), so you may as well flaunt it.
If not, well, you may as well flaunt it anyway.